Beighton Nursery and Infant School

Beighton Nursery and Infant School
Beighton Nursery and Infant School


It is vital that we work together to ensure good attendance and punctuality for all of our children. This will help children to develop to their full potential.

Good routines have to be established early and continued throughout a child's school life. If your child is unwell, please contact school on the first morning of illness so that we can record the reason for absence.

We strongly recommend that children should not be taken out of school during term time and you will be required to complete an Exceptional Absence Form for the attention of the Headteacher if you are thinking of doing so.

Only in exceptional circumstances might absences in term time be authorised as the criteria is very tight. On no account will any request be authorised during the first 2 weeks of term in September, during Y2 assessments throughout May or during Y1 phonics assessments in June.

Here's what the Local Authority want you to know...    

You can download an Exceptional Absence Form here

Dealing with absence

  • Attendance will be monitored to achieve the school target of 96%

  • Attendance below 96% will be closely monitored by school. If attendance continues to fall, parents may be asked to provide medical evidence to support unexplained absences.

  • Attendance below 90% will be closely monitored by school and the Local Authority. Parents may be invited to a professionals meeting to discuss the reasons for continued absence. The aim of this will be to identify any issues and provide support to ensure the child’s attendance improves.

  • Attendance below 90% may be subject to prosecution.